Map & Elevation Profile – Ultra Fiord®

Map & Elevation Profile

55K - 42K - 30K - 16K
Since 2015
Ultra Fiord Event Flags

The routes for this edition of Ultra Fiord® are located in the same geographic area as previous years, but we will have some new race sections in all of the race distances. In this new model, the a runner can opt to run 55K, 42K, 30K & 16K. For each race distance, previous experience is necessary in order to participate and complete a selection process, in addition to complying with minimum equipment and other requirements.

In the preliminary profiles below, the fundamental differences between the four race distances can be visualized. After choosing your race distances, it is important to consider that, within the routes of Ultra Fiord®, the level of difficulty depends on the distances and altitudes, but also the type of terrain, which will require greater physical effort and greater concentration. In addition, the meteorological conditions on race day, which is an unpredictable factor, could potentially increase exponentially the level of difficulty than what you were imagining.


DifficultyHardHardHardVery Hard
Total Distance (km)16.329.343.555.7
Maximum Altitude710 masl845 masl1,110 masl1,180 masl
Maximum Race Time10 hrs.10 hrs.12 hrs.15 hrs.
Starting LineBase Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Starting Time10:0010:0006:0006:00
Finish LineBase Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Cut-Off Time20:0020:0018:0021:00
Finish Line Cut-Off21:3021:3021:3021:30
Aid Stations (PAS)*4579
Self-Registration Points (PAR)NoNoNoYes (3)
Drop BagStart / FinishStart / FinishStart / FinishStart / Finish
Mandatory EquipmentYesYesYesYes
Virtual Race Briefing**RecommendedRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.







Ultra Fiord Map 2024
Ultra Fiord Map 2024 Esquema
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